When thinking about furnishing your home, many people often fail to think about the details. Whether it’s a piece of décor on a shelf, or a piece of décor that will simply enhance the space. Stools, for example, are a grand and elegant way to heighten the mood of a kitchen island. Sure, the island looks great on its own, but wouldn’t you want to take your kitchen space to the next level? Say, extravagant? The first step is to ask yourself a few questions: What will be the function of the stools? What kind of mood do you want to stool to portray? And lastly, what kind of personality do you want the stool to exude? Spunky? Elegant?

Let’s get into it.

I was recently on the hunt for a modern stool for my client’s kitchen island. They had some requirements, but not many. First, they wanted it in a lighter color. Second, they wanted them to have backs to the seats. Lastly, they wanted the legs to be made of brass or gold. So, I got to digging.

For me, and many others, looking online at millions of options can get overwhelming. The first day, I scrolled and scrolled and ultimately gave up when I realized I had chosen over 15 different options. Although, that’s progress, I needed to step away and think about the three main elements of any piece of furniture: the mood, function, and personality. I knew they wanted to have a modern stool, but after thinking about how I wanted to deliver to that requirement, I soon realized that I wanted the stools to give off the mood of “powerfully modern.”

I wanted the stools to radiate when someone walked into my client’s kitchen. I wanted them to be inviting; comfortable yet sleek. I envisioned legs that drew outwards with backs that allowed the seated to slip right in. I then thought about the function – I want my client’s stools to be able to cater to guests and family, should they want to do that. I want them to be the first place someone goes to when they walk into the kitchen for a seat and a cup of tea. I also wanted a harmonious gathering between the kitchen island and the stools; making it a home, rather than a house. This got me thinking: I want backs that have a bit of an arch for comfort. Soon enough, I was on the hunt again. For its personality, I wanted it to scream elegance and rhythm.

After taking a deep breath and collecting my thoughts, I was able to find the absolute perfect piece that ties all three elements and my client’s needs together in harmony.

It can be hard to find any given piece of furniture, but with a little patience, strategy, and google, anything is possible!


Operation Declutter


Designing Your New Home Is Important…