Designing Your New Home Is Important…

Many people have the misconception that hiring a designer to design their home is not only unnecessary but super expensive. My response to that: Not exactly!

Let’s tackle the first misconception, hiring a designer to design your home is very necessary but it isn’t for everyone. A designer can take a vision you have about the vibe you are trying to create in your home and bring it to complete life. They understand how colors work and can carefully create a design that is timeless. But this approach isn’t for everyone! Some people are short term buyers and really only want to just enough of what they consider to be a designed home to get them through the next 3 years. However, if you are planning on staying in your home 5+ years, it’s absolutely worth it to hire a designer that can, at the very least, give you simple tips that you can implement in your various spaces to make it feel more like a home.

So why is designing my home important?

Many people don’t understand that there is an absolute connection to your ability to feel relaxed and at peace in your home to the way your home is designed. If your home has mismatched furniture, colors that don’t synch well together, or too many bulky items your mind will find it difficult to be at rest. After a long day of whatever, you need a place that you not only call home but it actually feels like home.

Okay, but I am NOT rich so how will hiring a designer work?

Well first things first, you need to set a budget that you are comfortable with. Most designers are flexible and willing to work with all budgets. Once you’ve figured that out, then do some research to contact a designer in your area. I would recommend contacting 3 designers and conduct interviews with them. An important element to your design project going well is the relationship with your designer. If you don’t get a good vibe from that initial meeting, move on to the next. It’s your home we’re talking about and it’s important that the person you select matches you and your family needs.

Designing your home doesn’t have to be a stressful, expensive or even a bad experience. It can be the greatest investment you make to you feeling happy and at home in your home.




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